Regular Freemasonry refers to the traditional and recognized form of Freemasonry that adheres to a set of established principles, rituals, and practices. It is characterized by its adherence to a specific set of landmarks or standards that have been established by the Masonic governing bodies. These landmarks typically include requirements such as belief in a Supreme Being, adherence to a particular Masonic ritual, recognition of the Grand Lodge system, and the exclusion of political or religious discussions within lodge meetings. Regular Freemasonry is often associated with Masonic organizations that are recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) or other recognized Masonic governing bodies. These recognized organizations follow the established traditions and practices of Freemasonry, ensuring a consistent experience for Masons around the world. It's important to note that the term "regular Freemasonry" is used to distinguish recognized and mainstream Masonic organizations from irregular or clandestine groups that do not adhere to the same standards or are not recognized by the established Masonic bodies.
Regular Freemasonry
St. George Lodge №3 is a regular Masonic lodge. The principle of regularity in Freemasonry is formed by three main components: 1 - adherence to the jurisdictional landmarks of Freemasonry; 2 - sovereignty of jurisdiction within its territory; 3 - recognition of jurisdiction by other similar jurisdictions.
The work of St. George's Lodge takes place under jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of Georgia - UGLG. You can read more information about the UGLG on its website.
«Worshipful Lodge Saint George №3» is a leading lodge of the United Grand Lodge of Georgia and regularly works in the East of Tbilisi.
Worshipful Lodge «Saint George» was installed on February 20, 2013 on East of Tbilisi under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ukraine. The full name at the time of creation was «Worshipful Lodge Saint George №10».
After the foundation of the United Grand Lodge of Georgia on August 25, 2018, the Worshipful Lodge «Saint George №.10» was given to Georgian jurisdiction. The new unique name became «Worshipful Lodge Saint George №3».
In February 2023, with wide international participation, WL «Saint George №.3» solemnly celebrated the 10-year anniversary.
Affiliated brothers from Armenia, Holland and Canada are currently participating in the regular work.
History of Freemasonry in Georgia
Freemasonry has a complex history in the Caucasian region, including Georgia. During the 19th century, Freemasonry was popular among the Georgian aristocracy and played a significant role in the country's political and cultural life. Many of the leading intellectuals, artists, and politicians of the time were members of Masonic lodges.
However, during the Soviet period, Freemasonry was banned and persecuted, along with many other religious and fraternal organizations. As a result, Masonic activity in Georgia largely disappeared until the 1990s, when the country gained its independence from the Soviet Union.
Since then, Freemasonry has experienced a resurgence in Georgia, with the establishment of several new lodges and the reactivation of some older ones. Today, there are several active Masonic lodges in Georgia, including in Tbilisi and Batumi.
Is Freemasonry a religion?
No. Freemasonry requires its members to believe in God. But Freemasonry does not force a person to adhere to a certain faith, does not impose on him any of his own system of performing religious rites and does not even require a certain confessional affiliation. All the rituals of Freemasonry and its symbolism are means of spiritual improvement of man, but we avoid judgments about God. Such judgments for a brother are determined by confessional affiliation (if any) or an inner spiritual feeling. The Order only contributes to the disclosure of a person's inner religiosity, strengthens his faith, making it deeper and more sincere. But Freemasonry does not bring any color to personal religious beliefs.
Conditions for joining the Order of Freemasons
The main requirements for a candidate are reduced, according to the ritual, to the fact that he must be a person of "free and good morals". The first of these definitions in our time, of course, has somewhat lost its meaning, but great attention is paid to the moral qualities of a potential candidate, for which preliminary conversations are held with him and, if possible, also talk with his acquaintances.
A potential candidate must be a man, over 21 years old (for children of Freemasons — over 18 years old; in many jurisdictions, for example, in the USA, the age limit has been lowered to 18 years for all potential candidates), believe in God, as well as in the immortality of the soul.
Since Freemasonry is a humane society, the purpose of which, in particular, is to help others through charity, and since membership in the Brotherhood implies regular payment of membership fees and other fees, a potential candidate should be able to pay his annual membership fee and participate in charitable programs as much as possible, provided that this is in no case it is not burdensome for him, since all material issues in the Brotherhood are solved taking into account the real capabilities of the brothers. At the same time, annual contributions are mandatory for everyone and are uniform in size, being an amount sufficiently feasible for most people.
Application form for joining the Order
Freemasonry is a worldwide brotherhood committed to lives of honour, integrity, and character. For over 300 years, Freemasons, with true brotherly support, have worked to become the best version of themselves while working to better their communities and our world.
All individuals have the liberty to acknowledge their membership without any reservations. There is no concealment regarding the objectives or principles of Freemasonry. The regulations and codes of Masonry are open to the public, and gathering points are easily discernible.
Many lodges have websites and blogs, and there are numerous books and publications about the history, structure, and aims of Freemasonry.
The global community of Freemasons comprises approximately five million members. While all lodges adhere to the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, their operations and pursuits may differ. Each grand lodge holds absolute authority and operates independently.
The Freemasonry organization refrains from expressing any stance on politics or governmental affairs. Deliberating over political matters during Masonic gatherings has always been forbidden.
Freemasonry welcomes men of every religion, race, income, education. However, to join Freemasonry, one must meet the following qualifications:
Be a male at least 21 years of age
Believe in the existence of a Supreme Being
Be of good moral character
Be motivated to join for reasons unrelated to personal gain or profit
Your decision to apply is based on your own “free will and accord”
Be prompted by a favorable opinion of Freemasonry
Be desirous of earning knowledge and willing to conform to the ancient usages and customs of the fraternity
The origins of the Freemason aprons date back to our historical and symbolic foundations as stonemasons. The aprons, which were typically made of leather, were intended to safeguard them from jagged instruments and abrasive rocks. In the present day, the apron is an emblem of membership for Freemasons. Upon joining, they are given a white leather apron, which becomes more ornate as they advance within the organization.
In Freemasonry, the term "lodge" has a dual meaning. It denotes the collective gathering of Masons in companionship and, concurrently, refers to the chamber or structure in which they convene. The number of Masonic lodges worldwide is in the thousands. The lodge is composed of a primary room, where official proceedings and Masonic ceremonies take place, along with several supplementary spaces for members to dine together, socialize, organize public and private functions, and engage in other activities.